Friday, January 4, 2013

New Year's Resolutions For San Franciscans (PHOTOS)

This article comes to us courtesy of The Bold Italic.

By Jessica Saia

New Year's is about taking a long, hard look at your life and deciding what changes you can document on Facebook for the first week and a half of the year.

But is that enough? No, it isn't. So I've come up with this list of resolutions for the rest of SF to use in bettering themselves in 2013.

Good thing one of my goals wasn't to "Stop being a judgey, preaching asshole," although I am "giving to others" by prescribing such good ideas to the rest of the city.

  • Street Kids

    Vitamins! Also, consider sharing your secret formula that keeps dogs puppies forever.

  • Bus Folk

    You know, I think we could begin simply with "Stop smearing the excess Vaseline you've been massaging into your scalp wounds onto the handrails." God, that'd be a start.

  • Pigeons

    Cut back your filth intake by eating only straight-from-the-fork at parklets. Also, whatever you're doing that makes you so prone to losing a foot, STOP!

  • People Lingering Outside Safeway

    Try something new! Like a park or bar.

  • Hairdresser

    Learn to live with the fact that I'm not going to grow out my bangs. It's not going to happen! I get that the Brigitte Bardot look is the next big thing, but I'm JUST TRYING TO HIDE MY TINY FOREHEAD, can't you understand that?

  • Street-Poopers

    Eat more fiber. (I really shouldn?t know this.)

  • Robin Williams

    Leave the house! You're our only celebrity and we can't keep lying about seeing you when there's a lull in our OkCupid dates. (And while you're out, why not try a sexy Brazilian blowout on your arm hair?)

  • Roommates

    Either start remembering your towel when you take a shower or stop using the hand towel to dry off your genitals. I don?t care which. P.S. You?re not fooling anyone.

  • Foodies

    Cut back to six Instagram meal-pics a day.

  • Kids On Muni

    Invest in a pair of headphones. No one appreciates a mangled Nokia-speaker DJ set more than I do, but the rest of the bus is giving you a forever side eye.

  • Tourists

    Walk a little faster. Also, the last thing this city needs is another Alcatraz polar fleece; lessen your carbon footprint on my eyes by packing a jacket.

  • Dogs

    Learn to read! It's only a matter of time before you can order your own food at restaurants here.

Note: Thanks to Tyler McPherron for letting me delicately groom his arm hair, to MickaCoo, for lending a friendly pidge to the photo shoot, and to my roommate for smoking 8 cigarettes in one sitting. (No thanks to my other roommate, who continues to use the hand towel to dry off their anonymous bodily crevices.)

Visit The Bold Italic for more San Francisco stories.

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