Sunday, March 31, 2013

I met you, fate

(Sunday, 31 March 2013 / 01:21)

Met baby just for dinner today. We went to 18 chefs again! (Oh god I'm reminded of how blur I was and paid a few bucks more for nothing... T_T) We had main course, drink, ice cream and waffle. OH-NO. It was too much for my stomach. Gah. Nevertheless, a good photo of the yummy waffle. Service was quite bad... Not sure why. It has always been good. I anticipate the new outlet in Cineleisure! :D

Was too full to have any more food so we went to walk around and chill for the day :) Walked from PS after getting a drink from Hiccup to Ion. Then I bought socks! Cutie jap socks <3 Lazy to upload photo... Check my instagram hehe. @Nuttybunny_

Chilled outside Ion until this lupsup man with his partner decided to sit so close to me, making me feel uncomfortable... GAH. Tehn we headed to food opera to camwhore a bit. (many thoughts about this. SIGH. But I will still do it my way)


Headed home about 11pm. So late right... I wanted to play dance dance LOL. So that kinda marks my day.

Oh and also not forgetting my OOTD of the day :D + a Hello Kitty tote.



olympics chariots of fire nbc Medal Count Sam Mikulak London 2012 diving Tim Berners-Lee

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