Wednesday, October 3, 2012

More Confusions Regarding Spain's Online Gambling Law

More confusion was exposed this week regarding the online gambling law Spain has adopted on June 1st 2012, after several online gambling operators began banning players who were registered at more than one of their brands.

A confusing passage of the Spanish online gambling law adopted this summer has been exposed this week. The passage in question states that "user registration must be unique for each operator". The weird wording of this passage caused different interpretations.

One of the interpretations is that players are allowed to register at only one of the brands run by an online gambling operator. This means that if an online gambling operator has multiple brands - which most operators have - players will have to choose one brand only.

The first company that decided to interpret this passage in the above mentioned way is The company has this week sent a notice to its players registered at multiple brands to choose an account they intend to keep and close down all additional accounts.

This means that if a Spanish player has an account both at Party Poker and bwin Poker, and decides to remain a Party Poker player, then his or her bwin Poker account will have to be suspended.

So far the Spanish Gaming Commission did not issue a statement clarifying the situation. Looking at the case from a business perspective it does not make any sense whatsoever to block players' access to multiple brands of a single operator.

Recently the Spanish gaming authority had to clear another confusing situation regarding a weirdly worded passage of the country's online gambling law. Up until this moment Spanish online gamblers believed that they are not be able to deduct their online gambling losses from their winnings when declaring online gambling taxes.

The Spanish government and the gaming authority ruled in players' favor last week explain that players are allowed to deduct their online gambling and online poker losses and will only have to pay taxes on pure profit.

Tags: Spanish Online Gambling Legislation, Spain, Spanish Online Gambling Tax, Spanish Gambling Licenses, Spanish Gambling Operators, Licensed Gambling Sites


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