Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Apple Almost Single-Handedly Drives Corporate PC Market Growth

landing_heroApple is pretty much single-handedly driving the growth of worldwide PC sales to companies and government, according to new data from Forrester Research. In an otherwise dismal outlook, which sees growth of PC sales overall rising only around 2 percent in 2012, Apple is responsible for keeping that increase positive, with Windows PC sales projected to fall overall. Apple's share continues to show positive growth, while Windows devices are trending downward, and will actually see negative growth in 2012 according to Forrester. While Macs are showing strong performance, with $7 billion in sales in 2012, up from $6 billion in 2011, the real driver is the iPad, which was responsible for $10 million in 2012, up 76 percent from 2011 sales.


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