Monday, December 31, 2012

Key Protein Makes Breast Cancer 'Aggressive' | Asian Scientist ...

Featured Research
December 31, 2012

Australian scientists have discovered how a protein causes breast cancer to become more aggressive and resistant to common drugs.

AsianScientist (Dec. 31, 2012) ? Australian scientists have discovered how a protein causes breast cancer to develop into a more aggressive version that is resistant to common drugs.

These tumors lack sensitivity to the estrogen hormone and do not respond to anti-estrogen therapies such as Tamoxifen and aromatase inhibitors.

Transcription factors are molecules that switch genes on or off. In this case, the ELF5 transcription factor inhibits sensitivity to estrogen very early in the life of a breast cancer cell.

In 2008, Associate Professor Chris Ormandy from Sydney?s Garvan Institute of Medical Research showed that ELF5 was responsible for the development of the estrogen-receptor-negative cells in the breast during pregnancy that produce milk.

In a recent study published in PLoS Biology, Ormandy and collaborators showed that the same molecular decision occurs in breast cancer and that ELF5 has the ability to change an existing tumor to an estrogen-insensitive type.

The team also described the genetic mechanisms by which ELF5 opposes the action of estrogen, and showed that it is possible to alter the subtype of breast cancer by manipulating ELF5 levels.

?This work tells us that cancers which become refractory to anti-estrogen treatment often do so by elevating their levels of ELF5 and becoming functionally oestrogen receptor negative,? said Ormandy. ?This raises the therapeutic option of manipulating ELF5 levels to treat breast cancer.?

According to Ormandy, small molecule therapies that target protein-to-protein interactions, or small inhibitory RNAs, could be developed as ELF5 is intracellular.

ELF5 levels could also be used for diagnostic testing, to predict a tumor?s response to treatment and therefore guide treatment decisions, he said.

?Our key discovery here is that by simply manipulating one transcription factor we can change the subtype of breast cancer,? said Ormandy.

The article can be found at: Kalyuga M et al. (2012) ELF5 Suppresses Estrogen Sensitivity and Underpins the Acquisition of Antiestrogen Resistance in Luminal Breast Cancer.


Source: Research Australia; Photo: Sanofi Pasteur/Flickr/CC.
Disclaimer: This article does not necessarily reflect the views of AsianScientist or its staff.


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2013 New Year Astrological Forecast | by Kelly Benson

Your keyword for the coming year:?Strength

Where you?re coming from
A culmination has occurred for you in the last few years, Aries. You liberated yourself from limiting situations, and you took life by the horns. At the same time you also learned what you need out of a partnership, and what you?re willing to give. If a partnership, business or otherwise, wasn?t fulfilling you, then you probably ended it. Conversely, investing more into a partnership (again business or otherwise) may also have occurred. It has been a much more social time, where connections with others would have had great influence; your status and notoriety may have increased as well. Congratulations!

Where you?re heading
This is a critical time of owning up to your responsibilities and being accountable (either to yourself or to others). The universe is pushing you to be stronger, and that means knowing yourself better. It?s possible that you might crave some time to get introspective and think about what you need out of life. That?s ok, you?re aligning your head and heart right now. In areas where your finances are intertwined with others you might experience restriction or resistance. Keep your expectations in check and exercise a little caution. This is a good time to make friends with your bank account and stay on top of payments plans, debts, and bills. The more you know where you stand, the better you?ll be at assuming your own power.

What?re you?re gonna like
Relationships and connections with others will be stimulating, upbeat and interesting. Travel with friends, family members, or lovers will be exciting and fun. It?s ideal to go to destinations that will expand your knowledge of the world and push you to new heights. Adventure vacations, walking tours, plus museums and history outings will call your name; closer to home, check out the local talent at art galleries, concerts, plays, and cultural events. You can expect to do some entertaining at home this summer. Domestic life and family connections are blessed. That can also mean that your family expands through marriage, birth, or adoption.

Aries Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 16, 17, 18
Feb 13, 14
Mar 12, 13, 14
Apr 9, 10
May 6, 7
June 2, 3, 29, 30
July 1, 27, 28
Aug 23, 24
Sept 20, 21
Oct 17, 18
Nov 13, 14
Dec 10, 11, 12



Your keyword for the coming year:?Thrive

Where you?re coming from
Hard work and increased responsibility have kept your nose to the grindstone, Taurus. Since you are already one the most hardworking signs you likely have a lot to show for your efforts. Many of you started a new company a few years ago or went solo for the first time. You can take pride in what you?ve done, because true to your nature ? there?s no doubt you did a good job. Health matter may have been challenging, but you?ve got yourself on a good track now. Many of you made some lasting changes to your day-to-day lifestyle habits and you?re seeing a lot of benefits from that.

Where you?re heading
These last few years of hard work are going to pay off big time, Taurus! Starting this year and lasting until 2015 you will be reaping the harvest. Seeds that you planted approximately seven years ago are blossoming in a big way. You?re still going to work hard (you like taking the bull by the horns) but you might find the job itself is easier. Perhaps your business is expanding, or now you?re just much better at getting the job done since you?ve perfected your craft. Increased responsibly in partnerships, both marital and business are likely now. You?re ready to invest in others.

What?re you?re gonna like
Your status is going to change as well ? that can mean your professional status, academic status, marital status, or your standing within your given community. You can expect to receive more recognition now. Others are taking note of your past actions and they?re impressed! Relationships can be very rewarding. New relationships that begin now may have a fated sense to them and they?re likely to be long lasting. Conversely, if you?re in a situation you?re not happy with (business or personal) you?re going to bust outta dodge. You will be honoring your own needs and you will know what you?re capable of giving to a partnership.

Taurus Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 19, 20
Feb 15, 16, 17
Mar 15, 16
Apr 11, 12
May 8, 9, 10
June 4, 5, 6
July 2, 3, 29, 30
Aug 25, 26, 27
Sept 22, 23
Oct 19, 20, 21
Nov 15, 16, 17
Dec 13, 14


GEMINIYour keyword for the coming year:?Fulfillment

Where you?re coming from
You?ve been honing all forms of creative expression in the last few years, Gemini. As well, you have been refining and sharpening the tools of your trade. This has been an excellent time to learn and master new techniques, whether that?s for your job and career, or simply your artistic toolbox. You probably have a lot to show for what you?ve done! Increased responsibility and challenges with children have kept the Gemini parent on their toes. (These tests begin to mellow throughout 2013 as you adapt to the new circumstances.) You?ve been pushing yourself pretty hard kid, it?s time to relax a little!

Where you?re heading
Remember all those tools you?ve been working on? Now and over the next two and half years it?s a time to apply them to your job and get them to work for you ? how sweet is that? Many Gemini?s will be heading to market and showing off what they?ve been working on. It?s time to hang up your shingle and let the world know you?re ready for business. You can bet you?re still gonna work hard, and you?re going to be busy (hey, you?re a Gemini ? when are you NOT busy?). However, this kind of busy is about being efficient and effective, you?re streamlining your day-to-day activities. This is the time when you master your craft or service ? get to it baby!

What?re you?re gonna like
Lots of opportunities are heading your way this year, Gemini. New jobs, promotions, and validating attention from coworkers, superiors, and VIPs ? not too shabby! You?re world is expanding, you?re meeting new people from different walks of life, and getting a taste of the future you want to create. This summer and fall you?re going to experience an increase in your earnings (and possibly your spending, watch out). Ultimately, you?re going to get more of what you value and what you really need. Relationships are very blessed this year. New levels of emotional intimacy can be reached making you feel more content in many ways.

Gemini Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 21, 22, 23
Feb 18, 19
Mar 17, 18, 19
Apr 13, 14, 15
May 11, 12
June 7, 8, 9
July 4, 5, 6, 31
Aug 1, 2, 28, 29
Sept 24, 25, 26
Oct 22, 23
Nov 18, 19
Dec 15, 16, 17



Your keyword for the coming year:?Creation

Where you?re coming from
Major changes to your Cancerian nest have taken place in the last few years my dear. You?ve put in a lot of effort to create security in your life and it?s paying off now. During the midst of these changes you may have felt very tested by life circumstances or the people in your world. Ultimately you were pushed to rise to occasion and make the necessary adjustments. Family commitments are likely to have taken place, and Cancerian parents have put their best efforts in. You have not only made changes for yourself, but also created a more supportive environment for those around you.

Where you?re heading
Over the next two and half years you might find yourself being more analytical of your efforts, especially in a creative nature, Cancer. You?re getting more serious about everything that you produce, from children to art, to work and business. Any and all artistic pursuits can benefit greatly when given structure and discipline now. Inspiration may not come so easily, but you?ll also have the determination to finish what you set out to do ? making it so you can actually produce a lot! You might push yourself very hard now, so be sure to carve out the time you need to play and connect with loved ones, and don?t forget to make a little ?you time?.

What?re you?re gonna like
This is going to be a hot year for you, especially as your birthday approaches. Lucky Jupiter enters your sign bringing gifts, goodies, and opportunities your way. You can expect to feel strong and robust in health matters and a better overall sense of wellbeing. Sports and recreational activities are calling your name. You?ll want to get on that bike or dust off those roller blades. New creations in the kitchen will delight. New projects or interests that expand your horizons in life and give you a broader perspective are likely. Relationships of all kinds are blessed now too. It a heartwarming time to express your innermost desires.

Cancer Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 24, 25
Feb 20, 21, 22
Mar 20, 21
Apr 16, 17
May 13, 14, 15
June 10, 11
July 7, 8
Aug 3, 4, 5, 30, 31
Sept 1, 27, 28
Oct 24, 25, 26
Nov 20, 21, 22
Dec 18, 19



Your keyword for the coming year:?Invest

Where you?re coming from
You?ve been pushing yourself pretty hard lately, Leo. You?ve made a lot of important changes, especially to the day-to-day run of things. You?ve made things run more efficiently and effective (good!). It?s likely that you have expanded your career in a big way over the last few years too, possibly through training, education, or major promotions. This has also been a changeable time to, making you reassess things, and you may have decided to redirect your energies. Professional communities have played an important role lately, as you?ve been connecting with colleagues and sharing your ideas.

Where you?re heading
Attentions turn to your innermost personal and domestic life, Leo. If there are any problems with your personal life, or situations that you?re not happy with, you?re going to ensure that you?ll modify them over the next few years. This can result in a major change in relationship status. It can also mean that you are now willing to make the commitment to a relationship and take things to a more meaningful level. Some Leo?s might get married or move in with their partners. This can also be a time for a residential move, renovations, or redecorating. It?s all about creating a solid home base for yourself as you prepare for your long-term future.

What?re you?re gonna like
Your hopes and ideals for the future are very important now. This is a wonderful time to articulate your innermost desires to those close to you as friends and family can help you achieve your goals now. Personal connections and levels of intimacy can be thoroughly rewarding this year, Leo. It?s also a wonderful time to develop new relationships. Your generous Leo nature is on high making it so you want to make a difference in this world, or at the very least with those close you. Travel with friends to interesting destinations that stimulate your senses is likely. All sorts of playful and creative activities are in the works!

Leo Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 1, 26, 27, 28
Feb 23, 24
Mar 22, 23, 24
Apr 18, 19, 20
May 16, 17
June 12, 13, 14
July 9, 10, 11
Aug 6, 7
Sept 2, 3, 29, 30
Oct 1, 27, 28
Nov 23, 24
Dec 20, 21, 22



Your keyword for the coming year:?Awareness

Where you?re coming from
You?ve made some major investments in the last two and half years, Virgo. That may have been in business, real estate, your personal home, or an investment in yourself such as education. While all this was going on, it?s likely that earnings and resources felt restricted in some way. Perhaps your earnings were less, or simply tied up in financial matters. These conditions caused you to be more selective about how you handled your personal wealth and that included your time and energy. Relationships (including friendships) that didn?t feel balanced will have also gone through an adjustment. You got serious about your real needs ? good for you!

Where you?re heading
Things are taking an upswing, Virgo. You?re entering a new phase of your life where you?re going to be curious about pretty much everything. (You already want to know how everything works and why people do to the things they do.) You?re a quick learner, so fasten your seatbelt. Areas connected to schooling, education, training, research, study, writing, teaching, as well as any and all forms of communications are blessed now. This also extends to your awareness levels about the world around you. At this time you can restructure your everyday mental patterns, attitudes, habits, styles of speaking, and your ways of listening to others. You are making key changes in the subtle ways your world is ordered. You?re gonna like this!

What?re you?re gonna like
Close relationships benefit greatly now from increased clarity in your communications. A deeper sense of bonding with romantic partners and close friends will bring you a lot of joy this year. You?ll find that you?ll learn more about the needs and interests of others. Some of you may make plans to expand your family or better the home your living in. You?re going to get quality attention from others both professional and personal, so don?t be shy about sharing what you want. Others are willing to lend you support. You might also get some recognition for your job or efforts. This is an excellent time to promote yourself!

Virgo Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 2, 3, 29, 30
Feb 25, 26
Mar 25, 26
Apr 21, 22
May 18, 19, 20
June 15, 16
July 12, 13
Aug 8, 9
Sept 4, 5, 6
Oct 2, 3, 29, 30
Nov 25, 26, 27
Dec 23, 24



Your keyword for the coming year:?Commitment

Where you?re coming from
You have recently come out of a pivotal time of growth, Libra. Over the last two and half years there have been some major changes in the works for you; from residential moves, to new jobs, professions, and commitments to people (most importantly commitments to yourself). You have a better sense of what your needs are and just how to go about fulfilling those. Responsibilities haven?t been easy, but you?ve taken things in stride and handled them well. (You are a charming and diplomatic sign, Libra ? you know how to ride things through in style!)

Where you?re heading
As you settle into your new role with a more mature and renewed view on life, you?re getting ready to make some lasting investments. Now and over the next two and half years you will develop a more serious attitude about your earnings, your assets, and how to manage any debts you might have. Aggressive debt management programs might be initiated (if needed). You might also invest more time, money, and resources into your career, a business venture, your education, or your home. During this next phase you want to create more security for yourself. It?s also likely that relationships with key people (life partners and business partners alike) deepen and develop new bonds. You?re going to be very selective about who and what you spend your time and energy on.

What?re you?re gonna like
This is great time to expand your knowledge base on things, Libra. Practical knowledge that can help you in your career and workplace will come in handy. Get out there and take some classes, workshops, or attend some conferences. This is also a good time to get that license or certification you need to attain a goal. This is also an excellent time to communicate with others about your dreams and ambitions as others are willing to listen and willing to help you. A teacher or mentor may come across your path this year.

Libra Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 4, 5, 31
Feb 1, 27, 28
Mar 1, 27, 28
Apr 23, 24
May 21, 22
June 17, 18
July 14, 15
Aug 10, 11, 12
Sept 7, 8
Oct 4, 5, 31
Nov 1, 2, 28, 29
Dec 25, 26



Your keyword for the coming year:?Transformation

Where you?re coming from
There has been a deep process of change at work in your life, Scorpio. Over the last two and a half years your world has transformed in many ways. It?s been a time of letting go and getting real (later born Scorpio?s are still going through this). Key relationships, business or personal, are shifting. Vocations, jobs, and life ambitions are being refined or changing altogether. Ultimately you are getting more in touch with your true needs and aspirations (this is a good thing!). Even if you had some trying moments during reflection, you?re going to discover more about yourself and your future potential. Hey you?re a Scorpio, rebirth is old hat for you!

Where you?re heading
Speaking of rebirth and new beginnings Scorpio, 2013 will be a year of striking out on your own and establishing new foundations. You might be pursuing a new profession altogether, or you will further improve your existing one. You might land a new job, role, or title that pushes you to rise to the occasion. This might not be a cakewalk, but you will sharpen your tools and commit yourself to the task at hand! Major relationships can bond on a very deep level. Don?t be surprised if your possessive and powerful Scorpio nature is triggered (things just feel more intense since Saturn is traveling in your sign). Use this intensity to your advantage and channel it into work, health, recreation, or creative pursuits.

What?re you?re gonna like
Business dealings, and all areas of life where your responsibilities are connected with others are going to improve. This can be especially favorable for financial partnerships, banking matters, taxes, as well as legal and insurance issues. This is an excellent time to talk about your aspirations (career or personal) since others are ready to help you. Romantic relationships can get very steamy and intense now. Your Scorpion libido is on high (va va voom!). Whether in a partnership or not, you?ll be sending out some strong vibrations and attracting people to your energy. Use it wisely baby!

Scorpio Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 6, 7
Feb 2, 3
Mar 2, 3 29, 30
Apr 25, 26
May 23, 24
June 19, 20
July 16, 17, 18
Aug 13, 14
Sept 9, 10
Oct 6, 7
Nov 3, 4, 30
Dec 1, 27, 28, 29



Your keyword for the coming year:?Refection

Where you?re coming from
You?ve been a solid team player lately Sagittarius. No doubt others have been grateful for your contributions ? these contributions may have been in your day-to-day job, family issues, personal projects, or even volunteer duties. Your altruistic nature has been harnessed and you?ve been compelled to give back. A leadership role may have presented itself. Whether or not you accepted it, you?re discovering more about what others expect of you and if you can handle it (or want to handle it). Your reputation and your standing with others and community members has garnered more respect, take the credit ? you deserve it!

Where you?re heading
Now the pendulum begins to swing in a new direction. You?re going to crave more time on your own to reflect on things. The next two and a half years will be a time of deep consideration and insight. By nature you are the truth seeker, you want to know yourself or at the very least know what you need to do. Life events will unfold to push you more towards this place of knowing. Relationships, jobs, and career aspirations may change dramatically. Ultimately, situations or systems that are not working for you anymore must shift or move away altogether. As you reflect on the past, keep in mind that?s it?s just that ? the past, and you?re going to be constructing a new future for yourself.

What?re you?re gonna like
Connections with others are more rewarding, fun, and stimulating Sagittarius! This is a wonderful time to share your new insights and your deeper belief systems with those close to you. You can learn a lot from others, and you?re also in place to share your knowledge now. Coworkers and business partners are glad to have your input. You?re likely to be validated or acknowledged for your efforts in some way. Key relationships already at work in your life may have a profound effect on you (or vice versa). Travel with friends and lovers will be favored this year. This is an excellent time to begin a new relationship or deepen an existing one. Others can?t help but be drawn to you now.

Sagittarius Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 8, 9
Feb 4, 5, 6
Mar 4, 5, 31
Apr 1, 27, 28
May 25, 26
June 21, 22
July 19, 20
Aug 15, 16
Sept 11, 12
Oct 8, 9
Nov 5, 6
Dec 2, 3, 30, 31



Your keyword for the coming year:?Strategy

Where you?re coming from
These have been pivotal times Capricorn! Reliable foundations have been established over the last two and half years and you?ve created some solid ground for yourself. No doubt there?s been a fair amount of work and effort that you have put into things ? certainly career, and family matters, but also a major relationship (even if that means you got out of one). You can, and deserve, to feel proud of what you?ve accomplished. You got real ? real smart about what you need! Others see you as strong willed and capable, you may have had a promotion or at the very least more respect from others for your efforts.

Where you?re heading
Your role, or your standing with others continues to become more solidified, Capricorn. You?re learning how to integrate your personal values with those of a group. You?re ethics and morals not only represent you, but those that you?re involved with. Most likely you?ve already made the important choices to align yourself with those that have a similar view of the world, but if not, you may have to rethink your participation. At this time the interests of the team (be that your partner, family, employer, friends, or a not-for-profit pursuit) become a key focus. You want to make a difference in something and you want a win-win outcome. Guess what? With your innate Capricorn sense of drive and ambition ? you?ll get just that!

What?re you?re gonna like
Your team spirit is paying off! Coworkers, bosses, employees, and clients are jazzed to have you on their side. Your job scene is likely to improve in a big way this year. It?s also likely that you will learn more about the world through the people you?re around. This can result in interesting characters, or people from different backgrounds that open your eyes to new ways of life. Travel for work, or increased education about your craft and skill is highly possible. Your health greatly improves now too. You can benefit from a renewed focus in your personal diet or exercise r?gimes.

Capricorn Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 10, 11
Feb 7, 8
Mar 6, 7
Apr 2, 3, 29, 30
May 27, 28
June 23, 24
July 21, 22
Aug 17, 18
Sept 13, 14
Oct 10, 11, 12
Nov 7, 8
Dec 4, 5



Your keyword for the coming year:?Harvest

Where you?re coming from
You?ve come a long way in the last few years Aquarius. You have been fine-tuning your approach to life ? be that at home with family, on the job front, or simply learning new philosophies, and ways of doing things. Matters at home improved greatly, your family may have expanded through birth, marriage, or adoption. You have welcomed added responsibilities and stepped up to the plate, good for you! Whether you?ve been in school or getting practical training, you have been taking a number of steps to prepare for the time of harvest that awaits you.

Where you?re heading
This is where it gets good Aquarius. You?re at the top of a twenty-eight year cycle of growth and you?re about to reap as you have sewn! Over the next two and half years you?ll discover your status changing for the better. That can mean parenthood, or marriage, a promotion, or a career debut, as well as more acknowledgements from those around you. Conversely, if you?re in a limited situation this will be a critical time of cutting loose ends and liberating yourself from circumstances that aren?t helping you grow. Seeds that you planted as far back as fifteen years ago are coming to fruition. You are sure to see some interesting developments!

What?re you?re gonna like
Recognition for your efforts ain?t too shabby, and that?s what you?re going to get, Aquarius! Your work scene improves in a big way this year, making this a hot time to promote yourself, your product, or whatever it is you believe in. Day-to-day activities in your career and at the workplace will run more smoothly as you?re streamlining your efforts. Your creative insights will serve you well (you out-of-the-box thinker you)! Something you?ve been working on will be in the spotlight this summer and fall making you a sought after commodity. Personal relationships are expanding and you?re feeling more playful. Travel and romance are particularly lovely this spring and summer!

Aquarius Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 12, 13
Feb 9, 10
Mar 8, 9
Apr 4, 5
May 1, 2, 3, 29, 30
June 25, 26
July 23, 24
Aug 19, 20
Sept 15, 16
Oct 13,14
Nov 9, 10
Dec 6, 7



Your keyword for the coming year:?Cultivation

Where you?re coming from
You?ve learned a lot more about power recently, dear Pisces. Either because you?ve had more power yourself, or someone or something (such as a company or establishment) has had power over you. In reality people only have as much power as we give them (oppression aside) and you?re coming out of a cycle of learning how to claim your own. You have developed a much better sense of self worth and person value. You?ve done some serious soul searching as well, digging down into the depths and learning about who you really are. (Congrats kiddo, you?ve made it through!)

Where you?re heading
Your interests move away from the deep personal development and knowledge of the self to learning more about the world around you. It?s highly possibly that you will attend some sort of schooling, or pursue a path of learning that will help your long-term career goals. Interests in education, research, documentaries, foreign cultures, religion, politics, and world issues will keep you fascinated. People from backgrounds that are different than your own may cross your path and have something to teach you. Travel for work or to expand your horizons is likely now too. You?re preparing yourself for a major career peak that starts in about two and half years. This is the time to make sure you have the right the tools for the trade!

What?re you?re gonna like
Now that you have a more refined sense of your personal value you know how to better your personal circumstances. You?re not afraid to share who you are since you?re more comfortable in your own skin; because of this, you might also find yourself in the role of teaching others and expanding their worldviews. Your creative nature is growing considerable this year. This can manifest in your business ventures, or it might be in a more private pursuit such as an art form, or a hobby. Personal relationships get a wonderful boost this summer and fall. Existing relationships will blossom into a new level. New relationships can easily develop (that means friendships too)!

Your Lucky Days for 2012
These are the days the Moon is in your sign giving you an extra edge. Your intuition is also higher.
Jan 14, 15
Feb 11, 12
Mar 10, 11
Apr 6, 7, 8
May 4, 5, 31
June 1, 27, 28
July 25, 26
Aug 21, 22
Sept 17, 18, 19
Oct 15, 16
Nov 11, 12
Dec 8, 9


To book a personal reading with Kelly, contact her at:


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Myanmar fetes 2013 with first public countdown

YANGON, Myanmar (AP) ? Myanmar is ringing in 2013 with its first public New Year's Eve countdown and a grand fireworks display, a celebration unprecedented in the former military-ruled country.

The party is the latest, and perhaps most exuberant, example of the country's emergence from decades of isolation.

Thousands were expected to attend the celebration at a large field in Yangon, where the Myanmar public will get a chance to do what much of the world does every Dec. 31.

Against a backdrop of the city's famed Shwedagon Pagoda, a large screen will show live New Year's Eve countdowns in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand leading up to a 60-second countdown to 2013 in Myanmar.

Singers, celebrities, light shows and other festivities were planned for the public party, which would have been unthinkable under the former military regime, which banned public gatherings.

Until this year, New Year's Eve was celebrated privately or inside hotels, but there was no open celebration. Under the military regime the only grand fireworks display was traditionally in honor of Armed Forces Day, an annual celebration of military might.

The reformist government that took office last year urged the public to go out and have fun.

"This event is a very good outlet, particularly for young people," said presidential adviser Ko Ko Hlaing, adding that celebrations like this can "help build mutual understanding between the people and the government."

President Thein Sein has freed hundreds of political prisoners, abolished direct media censorship and allowed public protests as part of a democratic transition that has surprised the outside world.

Many in Myanmar, however, remain skeptical. While people in big cities say they live more freely, they also say the reforms have not improved their livelihoods. People in rural areas of grinding poverty cite continuing human rights issues, abuse of power and abysmal health care.

"People are feeling insecure psychologically, but a public celebration will make people feel light and happy and ease the tension," Ko Ko Hlaing said.

Organizers billed the event as "the first time Myanmar celebrates with the world."

The celebration was arranged by local Forever Media group and Index Creative Village, a Thai event organizer.

"We are planning this public New Year's event because we want residents of Yangon to enjoy the public countdown like in other countries," said Win Thura Hlaing, a spokesman for Forever Media group.

Ahead of the countdown, revelers said they had seen parties like this only on TV.

"I've seen the ball drop at Times Square in New York but I never expected that we would celebrate like this," said Sai Toe Makha, a 31-year-old singer who planned to attend the celebration with 10 friends.

Male model Ye Min Thu, 21, called it "an unforgettable moment, where people can feel the first experience of celebrating the new year in public."


Associated Press writer Yadana Htun contributed to this report.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

Apple Pulls Legal Crosshairs off Galaxy S III Mini

Samsung Galaxy S III Mini

Riddle us this: Why file a patent claim against a device that isn't actually going to be sold in the jurisdiction ? let alone, the country ? of where you're filing the claim?

Such has been the peculiarity presented to Apple, which announced on Friday that it's no longer pursuing patent claims against Samsung's Galaxy S3 Mini smartphone. Samsung has said that it is not, "making, using, selling, offering to sell or importing the Galaxy S III Mini in the United States," and has maintained this stance ever since Apple asked a California court to add the device to Apple's latest patent dispute last month.

Apple won its first round of patent litigation against Samsung this past August, but that hardly put an end to the two companies' legal squabbles ? which includes Samsung's desire to lessen the approximately $1 billion in damages that it faces juxtaposed against Apple's interest in amending a second round of patent claims to add as many recently released and allegedly infringing Samsung devices as it can.

In other words, Apple's second patent infringement lawsuit includes devices (and claims) that the company didn't address in its first round of patent litigation. And Apple has been zealous about amending its filling to include more Samsung devices as warranted. Samsung, in turn, has been granted permission to add Apple's iPhone 5 to its own patent infringement claims. Both of these trials won't kick off until 2014.

Apple initially argued that its ability to purchase a Galaxy S3 Mini smartphone from Amazon, and have it billed and shipped to a U.S. address, was enough to qualify that the device was being sold in the U.S. And, as such, Apple argued that it should be allowed to include the smartphone as part of the list of current devices that Apple claims infringe its patents.

As part of Apple's withdrawal, the company indicated that it would do so, "so long as the current withdrawal will not prejudice Apple's ability later to accuse the Galaxy S III Mini if the factual circumstances change," as reported by Reuters.

Samsung launched the four-inch Galaxy S III Mini in Europe in November, which numerous pundits saw as a direct assault against Apple's similarly sized iPhone 5. At the time of Apple's request to add the Galaxy S III Mini to its lawsuit, there was plenty of talk that Samsung might bring the smartphone to U.S. markets ? which explains Apple's interest in bringing the full weight of its legal efforts to bear.


For more tech tidbits from David Murphy, follow him on Facebook or Twitter (@thedavidmurphy).

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NBA: Minnesota 111, Phoenix 107

Published: Dec. 29, 2012 at 11:37 PM

MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 29 (UPI) -- Nikola Pekovic poured in 28 points and Kevin Love added 23 with 18 rebounds Saturday, boosting the Minnesota Timberwolves over Phoenix 111-107.

Minnesota snapped a two-game losing streak with the help of Andrei Kirilenko, who contributed an all-around game of 20 points, five rebounds and four assists.

Alexey Shved (12 points, 10 assists), J.J. Barea and Derrick Williams (10 points apiece) also helped out with big nights for the T-Wolves, who were playing without guard Ricky Rubio (back spasms).

Minnesota logged the win after three-time all-star guard Brandon Roy announced earlier Saturday he intends to try to come back from a seventh surgery last month to treat chronic pain in his right knee.

Luis Scola fired in 33 points and grabbed 10 rebounds, but it wasn't enough for the Suns, who fell to 2-13 away from home.

Shannon Brown contributed 21 points and Goran Dragic provided a double-double of 16 and 12 assists for Phoenix.


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Ways On How To Get Cheap Auto Insurance - Empower Network

Many times when people look at an auto insurance policy, they see a lot of complicated terms that they might not know, and the wording can be very complex. It can be rather easy to become confused. This article will help guide you through the complicated language of your insurance agent. Understanding what the insurance agents are saying is imperative if you want to make intelligent policy purchasing decisions.

Carefully fill out the auto insurance application form, listing all of you car?s safety features to qualify for the lowest rate. Items that can prevent injury and theft, such as alarms and airbags, can qualify you for discounts on you car insurance. Consider installing additional safety features to an older automobile.

There should be a ratio of ?consumer compliance? for the major agencies in your state. This is a percentage of claims that the agency agrees to fulfill.

TIP! Your car insurance will be cheaper if you have a good driving record. A car accident will quickly increase your insurance premium.

It is important to obtain an insurance policy that protects you against uninsured drivers. Consider the fact that it does increase your premium. This type will protect you in case an insured drivers hits you.

Another way to reduce the cost of your auto insurance is to increase your deductible. Insurance companies work on the theory that the higher the deductible you have, the less likely you are to make a claim for anything under that figure. But if you go this route, do remember that if you ever need to make a claim you have to be in a position to pay out the deductible amount.

Each insurance company follows its own set of procedures. If you?re not satisfied with the quote you?ve been given, shop around and see what prices competitors are offering.

TIP! If you are ever in a car accident and need to file a claim, you should make it a point to thoroughly document everything related to the incident. You can use a cell phone to take pictures of the location and damage of a crash.

Check what discounts offered by your insurance provider might apply to you. Most insurance companies can give low mileage discounts if you put 7,500 miles or less on your car each year. If you can further reduce your yearly mileage by taking a bus to and from work, you can get even lower premiums. If public transit is not an option, consider forming a carpool with like-minded drivers in your area.

Your auto insurance rates are partially based on the type of area in which you reside, so you may want to keep this in mind if you intend to relocate. A geographical factor that determines the cost of your insurance is crime rate.

Cheap insurance, though attractive, is not always the best choice depending on your needs. The insurance may not cover everything you need. Research the company first and examine the policy closely for any hidden details, before purchasing a policy.

TIP! If you can afford it, pay your insurance bill once a year rather than every month. You could be paying significantly more if you choose to pay for your insurance monthly.

Never cancel your existing policy without first getting coverage in effect with another company. Avoid being uninsured for any period of time, since an accident can happen anytime.

Comb through your policy for errors. Inaccurate info could result in denied claims or higher premiums. Do they have your address right? What is the model, make, and year of your vehicle? Premiums include the cost of your annual mileage, so be sure your policy reflects how much you drive.

If you are over the age of 55 and have retaken your driving tests, you may be eligible for a discount on your insurance. Getting 10% or more off your insurance premium isn?t half bad.

TIP! If you increase your deductibles, you can save money. This move may be risky as you will have to pay more in the event of an accident, but your monthly insurance rates will be cheaper.

When you are considering accessories for your car, be sure to consult your insurance agent in regards to how these accessories will affect your coverage. Expensive additions to your vehicle will increase your personal value for the car, yet may not increase the appraised value much, if at all.

Unless the claim?s value exceeds 25,000 dollars, you should not consider hiring an attorney to file a suit. Instead, try to reach a settlement by using the claims adjuster. Hiring a lawyer will cost a great deal of money and is usually not worth the trouble.

Be sure to shop around prior to buying an insurance policy. Different companies use different formulas to determine your premium. You will find the policy that is most affordable and best suited to you by checking into policies from several different companies.

TIP! You do not have to switch cars to keep the premiums low. You will pay less if there is only one driver associated with each car.

Hopefully, you understand many of the most common insurance terms, and you?ll be able to find an auto insurance policy that best suits your situation. Understanding your insurance options is the only way to choose the right one.

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Fantasy Football Week 17 Injury Report: Gronk and Roll

Timothy T. Ludwig-USA TODAY Sports

The Injury Report offers fantasy football owners with up-to-date information on notable injuries from around the NFL. Find out which injured players will be ready to suit up or will be warming the bench in Week 17.


Carson Palmer, Oakland Raiders

Palmer (ribs) has been ruled out for Week 17, as the Raiders have nothing left to fight for except pride. The versatile yet raw Terrelle Pryor will get the start over Matt Leinart, who will serve as his backup.

Running Backs:

Arian Foster, Houston Texans

Foster (irregular heartbeat) is fully expected to start on Sunday. His heartbeat is no longer an issue and he?ll be a full-go in a must-win for the Texans if they want to keep their first-round bye.

Trent Richardson, Cleveland Browns

Richardson (ankle) has been ruled out for Week 17. There?s no reason to rush a hobbled Richardson into the lineup with the Browns out of the playoff hunt (a long time ago). RB Montario Hardesty gets the nod.

Wide Receivers:

Mike Wallace, Pittsburgh Steelers

Wallace (hip) has been ruled out for Week 17 against the Cleveland Browns. He failed to practice all week and is looking like he?s played his final game in black and yellow. Wallace is scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent this off-season. He?ll finish the season with 64 catches for 836 yards and eight touchdowns. WR Antonio Brown and Emmanuel Sanders will man the aerial attack.

Jordy Nelson, Green Bay Packers

Nelson (hamstring) is set to return in Week 17. That leaves the Packers with a much easier decision to rest WR Randall Cobb (ankle) this week. Expect Nelson to get back in sync with his quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

Roddy White, Atlanta Falcons

White (knee) is not expected to play in Week 17 with the Falcons already locked-in with the No. 1 seed and a first-round bye.

Tight Ends:

Rob Gronkowski, New England Patriots

Gronkowski (forearm) is expected to play in Week 17 against the Miami Dolphins, per CSN New England?s Tom Curran. The big question is how much will coach Bill Belichick play his star tight end? I guess that depends on how the Houston Texans fair on Sunday, because if they lose, the Patriots will have a chance to earn a first-round bye with a win. Either way, with the inconsistencies at the tight end position this season, Gronk will be worth the risk even in a limited role.

Dustin Keller, New York Jets

Keller (ankle) has been ruled out for Week 17 against the Buffalo Bills. He hasn?t missed a game in his previous two seasons with the Jets but has been limited to just eight games in 2012. He?ll wrap up the season with 28 catches for 317 yards and two touchdowns. He?s scheduled to become an unrestricted free agent in the off-season and is a candidate for the franchise tag.

Owen Daniels, Houston Texans

Daniels (hamstring) missed practice all week, but is fine and fully expected to start on Sunday.


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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hubble eyes the needle galaxy: IC 2233, one of the flattest galaxies known

Dec. 28, 2012 ? Like finding a silver needle in the haystack of space, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has produced a beautiful image of the spiral galaxy IC 2233, one of the flattest galaxies known.

Typical spiral galaxies like the Milky Way are usually made up of three principal visible components: the disk where the spiral arms and most of the gas and dust is concentrated; the halo, a rough and sparse sphere around the disk that contains little gas, dust or star formation; and the central bulge at the heart of the disk, which is formed by a large concentration of ancient stars surrounding the Galactic Center.

However, IC 2233 is far from being typical. This object is a prime example of a super-thin galaxy, where the galaxy's diameter is at least ten times larger than the thickness. These galaxies consist of a simple disk of stars when seen edge on. This orientation makes them fascinating to study, giving another perspective on spiral galaxies. An important characteristic of this type of objects is that they have a low brightness and almost all of them have no bulge at all.

The bluish color that can be seen along the disk gives evidence of the spiral nature of the galaxy, indicating the presence of hot, luminous, young stars, born out of clouds of interstellar gas. In addition, unlike typical spirals, IC 2233 shows no well-defined dust lane. Only a few small patchy regions can be identified in the inner regions both above and below the galaxy's mid-plane.

Lying in the constellation of Lynx, IC 2233 is located about 40 million light-years away from Earth. This galaxy was discovered by British astronomer Isaac Roberts in 1894.

This image was taken with the Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys, combining visible and infrared exposures. The field of view in this image is approximately 3.4 by 3.4 arcminutes.

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Cassini orbiter captures Saturn's swirls

NASA / JPL-Caltech / SSI

Saturn's storm systems swirl in a near-infrared image captured by the Cassini orbiter's camera system on Dec. 24, from a distance of 441,028 miles (709,766 kilometers).

By Alan Boyle

The storms of Saturn ripple through the frame of a black-and-white close-up captured by the Cassini orbiter on Christmas Eve and received on Earth on Wednesday.

"Close-up" is a relative term: When this picture was taken, Cassini was 441,028 miles (709,766 kilometers) away from Saturn, or almost twice the distance between Earth and the moon. Also, "black-and-white" doesn't tell the whole story: The picture was captured through the wide-angle camera's CB2 red filter, which brings out more of the variations in the cloud tops of the planet's atmosphere. For an even more dramatic illustration of the effect, compare the photos accompanying this report about Saturn's north polar vortex.

So what's black and white and red all over? This picture answers the riddle.

For more pictures from Cassini, including a top-10 photo slideshow?and?raw imagery from last weekend's flyby of the Saturnian moon Rhea, check out NASA's Cassini website as well as the online home base for the CICLOPS imaging team. You can also click through these additional stunners from the Cassini mission:

Update for 9:50 p.m. ET: I originally wrote that the CB2 filter was an infrared filter, but NASA says it's just on the edge of the visible-light spectrum, going into the near-infrared, at a wavelength of 751 nm. Good: That makes the riddle even more apt.

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Obama Calls Leaders as 'Cliff' Looms (WSJ)

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Top Four Tips for Improving Kids Fitness | Merritt Athletic Clubs Blog

Kids fitness?has become a national conversation over the last decade. As childhood obesity grows, many parents are concerned about keeping kids active, and promoting good physical and mental health. Consider our top four tips for improving your kid?s overall fitness level.

  1. Be a role model. First, your children need to see you set a good fitness example. This doesn?t mean you must run a marathon while pushing your toddler in a stroller. Simply promote an active lifestyle. Walk short distances instead of driving. Take regular walks or bike rides around your neighborhood. Encourage kids to walk themselves instead of riding in a stroller once they are old enough. When asked to participate in an activity, such as when your toddler brings you a ball, take the time to do it. Go to a local playground. Use the swings and slides yourself.
  2. Provide alternatives. Exercise does not have to be structured or scheduled. Spontaneously have a family dance-off to your kid?s favorite music. Throw a frisbee. Rollerskate, rollerblade or skateboard in a safe place. Play a game of hide and seek. Let your child choose the activity.
  3. Stay active even when it?s cold. Sometimes it?s hard to keep an active pace when the weather is not ideal. However, puddle-jumping in rain boots or making snow angels in your snow suit can be a lot of fun. ?Explore summer destinations, such as the beach, in the winter. Find a local indoor swimming pool or play area. Merritt Clubs offer indoor swimming lessons starting at six months of age and an indoor play area for children to use while their parents are working out. Many team sports and extra curricular activities are offered through the winter, such as hockey, arena football or dance classes. Find out what?s available in your area.
  4. Emphasize the social benefits. Children do not often understand the health benefits of being fit. However, they do like being with their friends. Meet a group at the park, skating rink or other favorite spot. A group of researchers recently studied the effects of giving children peer mentors to promote physical activity. The study followed 800 children from 10 different schools. The results showed that students from the peer-mentored schools took 1,000 more steps per day and had better overall cardiovascular health. The students only participated in the peer-led activities once every two weeks. However, the social interaction was a catalyst for improved physical activity on a daily basis.

The benefits of keeping kids physically fit go way beyond fighting obesity. Experts agree being active improves their sleeping habits, posture, self-esteem, concentration, bone and muscle structure, balance, developmental skills, flexibility and social skills.

Merritt Athletic Clubs are focused on family health.?Contact us?to find out about the many amenities available to families.


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

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Four planets in 'habitable zones' spotted within spitting distance of Earth

Astronomers say they used a new statistical technique to find four possible super-Earths orbiting in the habitable zone of two stars within 22 light-years of Earth, Gliese 667C and tau Ceti.

By Pete Spotts,?Staff writer / December 19, 2012

This diagram shows an artist's rendering comparing our own solar system to Kepler-22, a star system containing the first 'habitable zone' planet discovered by NASA's Kepler mission. The 'habitable zone' is a region where under the right conditions, liquid water can form stable pools on the surface.



Astronomers say they have uncovered evidence for what could be four super-Earth planets orbiting within the habitable zones of two stars within 22 light-years of Earth.

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Three of those candidate planets are among a tightly packed clutch of five that orbit Gliese 667C, part of a triple-star system 22 light-years away in the constellation Scorpius. The other possible planet is one of five orbiting tau Ceti, a sun-like star 12 light-years away in the constellation Cetus.

Taken together, the detections not only add to accumulating evidence that planets look to be more common than stars ? and that planets in habitable zones could be more common than previously thought, some of researchers reporting the finds say.

The finds also illustrate the power of improved statistical tools to boldly uncover candidate planets where no planet had been found before.

The evidence for these candidate planets requires independent confirmation, the researchers caution.?Still, the tools represent "a real breakthrough," says Steven Vogt, an astronomer at the University of California at Santa Cruz and a member of the team reporting the results for tau Ceti. The approach the team took leaves only about one chance in 3 million that the detections could herald something other than a planet.

Since the mid-1990s, astronomers have bagged more than 850 extra-solar planets. The ultimate goal is to find rocky planets with Earth-like masses orbiting within their stars' habitable zones ? a region where under the right conditions, liquid water can form stable pools on the surface. Liquid water is considered an essential ingredient for organic life.

Different groups of astronomers had aimed three telescopes for various lengths of time at tau Ceti and found nothing. Led by Mikko Tuomi at the University of Hertfordshire in Britain, the team reporting this latest analysis applied relatively new statistical tools to the combined data from these telescopes.

The result: "Five planets came out: boom, boom, boom, boom, boom ... as clear as a bell," Dr. Vogt says.

Tau Ceti has about 78 percent of our own sun's mass, but its composition is quite similar, Dr. Tuomi's team reports. Its candidate planets range from 2 to 6.6 times Earth's mass.

The innermost object orbits the star once every 14 days, while the outermost takes 642 days to make its circuit. The fourth planet from the star, with a 168-day orbit, travels well within a zone where liquid water could remain stable on the planet's surface, the team estimates. However, the results don't speak directly to what the planets are made of.?

A similar story has played out for Philip Gregory, an astronomer at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Previous researchers had found two planets orbiting Gliese 667C, a red dwarf with 31 percent of the sun's mass. Using a broadly similar statistical approach, he reports detecting the initial two, plus three more planets. Three of the five fall within the star's habitable zone, he estimates.


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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Perils of Subzero Weather for Pets | Stafford Animal Shelter

When the temperature dips below zero, rules change for pets? outdoor time.? There are a number of important seasonal changes for you to be aware of.
??When it?s below zero, keep your cat inside, they can freeze or become lost. Never leave your dog or cat alone in a car during cold weather. A car can act as a refrigerator in the winter, holding in the cold and causing the animal to freeze to death.
??When it?s cold, outdoor cats sometimes sleep under the hoods of cars. When the motor is started, the cat can be injured or killed by the fan belt. If there are outdoor cats in your area, bang loudly on the car hood before starting the engine to give the cat a chance to escape.
??Don?t let your dog off the leash on snow or ice, especially during a snowstorm?dogs can lose their scent and easily become lost. More dogs are lost during the winter than during any other season, so make sure yours always wears ID tags.
??Like coolant, antifreeze is a lethal poison for dogs and cats. Be sure to thoroughly clean up any spills from your vehicle, and consider using products that contain propylene glycol rather than ethylene glycol.
??You should also thoroughly wipe off your cat and dog?s legs and stomach when they come in out of the sleet, snow or ice. They can ingest salt, antifreeze or other potentially dangerous chemicals while licking their paws, and the paw pads may also bleed from snow or encrusted ice. You can put petroleum jelly on dry, cracked paw pads to help them heal.
??Make sure your companion animal has a warm place to sleep, off the floor and away from all drafts. For ?outdoor? dogs, they need to have insulated places with warm, dry bedding; plastic dog houses do not keep the cold out.
??It only takes three hours for an animal to freeze to death without shelter, even if they have blankets. If you have barn cats, they must have a warm sheltered place to escape the cold, like protected burrows in haystacks. Check water several times a day since it often freezes outdoors and they can?t get enough moisture from eating snow. There are also plug in pet bowls and heated bedding available.
??It is unlawful to leave a dog or cat outdoors without adequately warm shelter and defrosted water. There will be a first warning and after that you can be charged with animal cruelty and fined $1,000 with imprisonment possible for subsequent convictions. If an animal?s life is endangered they can be seized as well.
??Arctic Circle breeds do well as outside dogs, but do not put a puppy or adult dog outside for extended periods of time. If your pet has been outside for any length of time during very cold weather, watch closely for frost bit paw symptoms such as picking up their feet, whining, and limping.
??Puppies and smaller dogs ? a larger percentage of their body mass is exposed so they get cold easier ? do not tolerate the cold as well as adult dogs, so may not be willing to do their business when it is very cold and you may want to have paper-lined areas indoors if your dog has been paper trained. Older dogs also get cold easier so winter coats for elders, pups and small dogs are recommended.


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Ouch, Charlie! YouTube Sensation Kids Talk Christmas Toys

The infamous "Charlie Bit My Finger" video has surpassed half a billion views on YouTube -- not bad for a 56-second clip of a one-year-old kid biting his older brother's finger.

Charlie and Harry, now six and eight, returned to the web earlier this year with a new series through Viral Studios. The mini-episodes focus on the boys and their younger brother, Jasper, as they talk about toys, viral videos and -- of course -- biting things.

[More from Mashable: 8 Festive Christmas Tumblrs, Presented by Santa Dogs]

Mashable sat down for a Skype interview with the three boys last week. Unfortunately, the Internet connection wasn't the greatest -- Harry twice referred to me as a "man made out of boxes" because of the spotty video quality -- but they were still able to talk about what toys they were most excited about this holiday season. Check 'em out below:

[More from Mashable: Now and Then: 10 Awesome Past and Present Pics]

Charlie's Pick: Playmobil Large Pirate Ship

Price: $95.50

Image courtesy of Playmobil

Harry's Pick: Thomas & Friends Take-n-Play The Great Quarry Climb

Price: $19.99

Image courtesy of Fisher-Price

Jasper's Pick: Turbo Snake Remote Control

Price: ?38.45 (only available in the U.K.)

Image courtesy of Amazon

You can catch all the episodes on the "Charlie Bit Me!" series on their YouTube page. Which toys or gadgets did you score this year? Tell us below.

BONUS: 10 Gifts for People You Hate

1. 50 Used Toilet Paper Rolls

Price: $19.99 Mother Earth appreciates a little holiday upcycling. Your mother-in-law, on the other hand, may not. Cheaper DIY alternative: Your own toilet paper rolls.

Click here to view this gallery.

Image courtesy of Viral Studios

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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